after watching a movie, cody, myself and jay passed by a newly opened fish spa, located at SM Cebu's fourth level. its name is Tibiao Fish Spa ... tag line - "an exciting exfoliating experience"... oh diba? lol
mga usyosero sa fish spa! lol ;)
i've heard of this type of spa before but never really tried it as i dont like the idea of a fish nibbling at my feet! hahaha! once i get the courage, which is not so soon, i'll try it! lol... all the while, i though its just a small fish but it isnt! the more i am afraid to try! hahaha... here are some of the pics i took when i checked out the place. click on the pics to have a bigger view. :)
so, to everybody who's into this type of feet cleaning, you might want to try this newly opened fish spa at SM Cebu. :)