last saturday, may 26, 2102, my team went on a summer outing. we went to Pandanon Island in Lapu-Lapu. summer draws heat but when you're in a shaded pump boat, what you get to feel is the cool summer sea breeze that makes you yawn all the time (haha!), the crystal clear water, and the sumptuous food that you bring along. by the way, this is my first ever island hopping trip here in cebu, after living here for more than 8 years now, imagine?! hahaha... we took the pump boat from a port near the moven pick hotel (formerly known as the hilton hotel). this is where all pump boats dock. enjoy the breath-taking views captured by our cameras. :)
this is our ganap inside the pump boat when we were headed to Pandanon Island. Pandanon Island is 30 - 45 mins away from Lapu-Lapu. the trip was very relaxing and fun at the same time. we had to stop in the middle of the sea to take a dip in the crystal clear water. this is usually the routine of passengers headed to Pandanon Island. its my first time to swim in the middle of the sea! i am always terrified of deep waters, though i know how to swim. it reminds me of the movie, jaws! hahaha... just imagining the sharks devouring people in the movie really just scares the hell out of me, kaloka! hahaha :)
while our pump boat was anchored in the middle of the sea, its time to take a plunge in the crystal clear water! my gosh, its my first time to feel a very strong current! it will really drag you to nowhere if you dont have anything to hang on to! hahaha... even an experienced swimmer wont stand a chance to this type of current. the strong current didnt stop us to experience the beauty and coolness of the water! it was a very exciting experience. here's our ganap in the middle of the sea. we were all holding on to a roap so we'll not be carried away! lol :)
when we reached Pandanon Island, it was time to take another dip in the shallow water, without the strong current! hahaha... its time to enjoy the calm water. so relaxing! here we had a lot of photo ops. i didnt know that my colleagues are models in their own right! hahaha... you cant stop them from striking a pose! marunong umemote ang lahat, kaloka! :) here's our ganap at Pandanon Island.
after we had the time of our lives at Pandanon Island, we had to call it a day and head back home. if the view early on the day was breath-taking, the sunset view was magnificent. sunsets really have so much drama and is a good platform for picture background, in fairness... going back with the cool wind gushing on your face would make you feel drowsy... so, i fell asleep and when you're asleep, that's the time when you allow your teammates to make fun of you! hahaha.. here's how they treated me while i was asleep. hahaha :)
here are some of the best sunset pics that our cams have captured and the best poses of my teammates and yours truly. chos! :)
i thank the Lord for this very wonderful summer season. i get to appreciate all that i have and not long for what i don't have. ang plastic noh?! hahaha... di pa ako umaabot sa "i don't long for what i dont have" na peg...hopefully, soon. chos! hahaha... summer 2012 has been really great and i hope you guys also had a great summer!