Madz, as affectionately known, is none other than our Philippine Madrigal Singers. composed mostly of students, faculty, and alumni of the University of the Philipppines. a little trivia... do you know their trademark performance stance? its singing while sitting in a semi-circle, without a conductor! that's how good they are! anyways, all the while, i was thinking that they rearrange the songs and make it sound choir-ish with the serious melodic tone. not until today, when i came across on some of their performances in youtube. trust me, you'll never look at them the same way again! hahaha! their crazy choreographed performances will keep you hooked to search for their other vids in youtube. that was the effect on me! lol :P .... here's some of their performances that made me laugh so hard! lol :P.... ENJOY!!! :)
here's another one... they can really ACT, apart from singing! lol :P
here's one solo performance that i really really like (not hilarious)... their version of "I"m yours" by Jason Mraz... very heart warming... i never thought this song can be sung this way... BRAVO! :P
another great performance from Madz when they sang "The Circle of Life" from the Disney movie, The Lion King... they made animal sounds! FIERCE! :P
to hear more of their performances, search them on youtube! its all worth listening to! GO! :P